We specialize in your HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical hiring needs.

Focusing on growth and opportunity for a better future.

About Us

HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical search firm, a company that works with effectiveness.

We find the best talent to scale your business and promote better results. 

What we do

Recruitment Solutions for all

We locate individuals who aspire to make an impact.

We Serve HVAC Related Needs


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Frequently Asked Questions.

Torres Staffing qualifies, recruits, and sources quality candidates. Once this thorough process is finished, we send the candidate for an interview that is convenient for our clients. Once the candidate is hired, he/she is considered our client’s employee and not Torres Staffing's employee.

We charge a fee billable to our client based off of the worker’s salary or hourly salary (pay rate) x 2080 (hours in a work year). For example, if the worker’s pay rate is $20/hour we would multiply it by 2080 hours in a year and we would get their hourly salary, $41,600. We would then multiply our fee at 15% (41600 x .15) to get our fee, $6,240.

We guarantee the replacement of the employee hired by our client in every direct hire placement with a maximum of one backfill. If anything happens to the candidate within 60 days from the start date of their employment we will replace the employee at no extra cost.

The fee is generally due 7, 14, 21, or 30 calendar days after the employee starts work with our client.


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